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"Religious Education provokes challenging questions about meaning, purpose, and beliefs, while fostering respect and open-mindedness."
—Adapted from the National Curriculum

RE is led by Mrs. Louise MacKenzie.

We tell the children that ‘RE lessons teach us about different beliefs, values, and the importance of respecting others.’

Religious Education Intent

Our aim in teaching RE is to help children understand world religions and non-religious beliefs, fostering respect, open-mindedness, and self-reflection. Through the RE curriculum, we aim to:

  • Develop appreciation for key religious concepts and practices.
  • Provide a safe space for exploring spiritual, moral, and ethical questions.
  • Encourage reflection on personal beliefs while learning about others.
  • Equip students with skills to engage in respectful dialogue and challenge prejudice.
Religious Education Implementation

We follow the Discovery RE scheme, aligned with the locally agreed syllabus. Our enquiry-based model begins with children’s experiences and moves into exploring religious and non-religious beliefs.

  • Key Stages 1 and 2: Christianity is taught every year, with Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism introduced progressively.
  • Lessons follow four stages:
    1. Engagement – Start with children’s own experiences.
    2. Investigation – Explore religious teachings.
    3. Evaluation – Conclude key questions.
    4. Expression – Reflect on personal experiences.
  • EYFS: RE is integrated into the curriculum through special people, places, celebrations, and stories, fostering wonder and emotional development.
Religious Education Impact

We assess impact by:

  • Monitoring progress through assessments and discussions.
  • Using feedback to evaluate how well students express their responses to key questions.
  • Observing students’ respect, empathy, and critical thinking.
  • Tracking their understanding of British ValuesDemocracyThe Rule of LawIndividual LibertyMutual Respect, and Tolerance—through RE learning.
SMSC in Religious Education

RE supports students’ Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural development by:

  • Encouraging reflection on life’s big questions.
  • Developing moral awareness and understanding of right and wrong.
  • Fostering community learning and appreciation of diversity.
  • Promoting respect and cultural understanding through exploring various traditions.
British Values in Religious Education

RE builds understanding of British Values by:

  • Exploring Democracy through shared values.
  • Understanding The Rule of Law through ethical discussions.
  • Supporting Individual Liberty by respecting diverse beliefs.
  • Promoting Mutual Respect and Tolerance of different faiths and views.

Through Discovery RE, we aim to ensure that every child leaves with a strong foundation in religious knowledge and respect for others.