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Art and Design

“Every human is an artist.”

Joseph Beuys

Art and Design is led by Miss James.

We tell the children that ‘Art and Design lessons are where we learn about artists and techniques to inspire our own artwork’.

Art and Design Intent

At Nursteed our aim is to give every child the opportunity to express themselves through art and design. We expose them to a range of artists from around the world, past and present, and from a range of cultures.  We encourage our children to be curious, observant, creative and reflective. Children have the opportunity to explore their ideas in drawing, painting, mixed media, 3D / sculpture, printmaking and textiles.

Art and Design Implementation

Art and Design is characterised by knowledge, skills and concepts.   Children make progress over time using these building blocks.  Art and Design is planned and delivered in a way that allows pupils to transfer key knowledge to long term memory.  It is sequenced to be taught in three blocks across a year, so that new knowledge and skills build upon what has been taught before and pupils can work towards clearly defined endpoints.

Knowledge: as children progress, they will engage with an increasing breadth, depth and mastery of art and design knowledge, through learning about the lives and works of great artists, craft makers and designers.  They will compare practices and disciplines and make links to their own work.  Children will learn about the cultural and historical development of other art forms such as architecture and how this has influenced their lives today.

Skills: children will learn the skills to become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.  We will teach children to value their creativity to enable them to create art which has real purpose and which will be showcased in sketchbooks and displays.   They will learn to evaluate and analyse their own pieces of art and that of others, using appropriate language and vocabulary, to help them improve their mastery.

Concepts: as children progress, they will develop and apply their understanding of the key concepts in art: 

  • colour
  • tone
  • pattern and texture
  • line                                               
  • shape
  • form and space

Art and Design Impact

Our Art and Design curriculum is well thought out and planned to demonstrate progression.  Children are given the opportunity to revisit Art disciplines throughout each key stage, including Early Years.  We monitor the progress in artistic skills, knowledge of artists and artistic vocabulary and evaluation.  A range of vocabulary linked to the unit taught underpins children’s knowledge and understanding and we recap on prior knowledge at the start of each lesson.   There is an opportunity for pupils to talk about their learning through pupil voice.  We report annually to parents on standards for Art and Design across the school.  Children leave us in year 6, having developed a range of skills needed to express themselves artistically whilst being able to appreciate and have curiosity many forms of art, design and architecture.

SMSC in Art and Design


Children use their imagination and creativity when responding to Art.  They wonder about the world around them and enjoy rich opportunities to observe and explore the natural world. Children can celebrate and reflect upon their own creativity and that of their peers whilst exploring different artists’ interpretations of events and key figures.  Children explore how emotions and feelings are expressed through painting, sculpture and architecture.


Children can appreciate and make sensitive constructive comments about their own, and others’ ideas.   They learn to offer respectful views when talking about their interpretations of iconic pieces of Art and Design.



Children use a range of social skills when discussing and collaborating with others from different social, ethnic, cultural and faith backgrounds, demonstrating tolerance and skills and attributes which allow them to contribute positively.    Children have opportunities to participate in celebrations of Art and Design within the school, the wider community and beyond. Children start to explore Art as a powerful social tool e.g. in advertising how particular groups are represented e.g. LGBT, women.


Children understand and appreciate a wide range of cultural influences and media in Art, both locally and those from the wider world.

British Values: Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Art and Design supports children to build their understanding of British Values by:

  • Teaching skills to work collaboratively, valuing others and making decisions together
  • Knowing that the rules of law help us to keep safe when using tools and materials
  • To express our individuality whilst respecting boundaries, to be respectful of each others’ feelings and receptive of constructive feedback
  • To show tolerance when exploring art within the faiths and beliefs of others.