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Performance & Ofsted

Key Stage 2 Results (2023)

These results are the last statutory test available for KS2 as statutory tests were cancelled for summer 2020 and 2021 due to COVID 19. In summer 2019 the Year 6 class achieved the following results:

  Reached the
Achieved High Score/
Working at Greater Depth
National High Score/
Working at Greater Depth
Reading & Writing & Maths 50% 3% 60% 8%
Reading 63% 7% 73% 29%
Writing 80% 20% 71% 13%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 57% 23% 72% 30%
Maths 57% 10% 73% 24%

More information is available in the Department for Education Performance Tables (below).

Key Stage 1 Results (2023)

These results are the last statutory test available for KS1 as statutory tests were cancelled for summer 2020 and 2021 due to COVID 19. In summer 2019 the Year 2 class achieved the following results:

  Reached the
Achieved High Score/
Working at Greater Depth
National High Score/
Working at Greater Depth
Reading 79% 21% 68% 19%
Writing 79% 7% 60% 8%
Maths 82% 18% 70% 16%

Ofsted Report

You can view the school's last Ofsted report here:

Ofsted - Parent Meeting 2023

Financial Information

Please note that we do not have any employees with a gross annual salary of more than £100,000. You can view the school's last financial data here: