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Our Curriculum

At Nursteed Community Primary School we aim to provide a broad, balanced and relevant education that meets the needs of all children, builds their ‘Cultural Capital’ and prepares them for the next stage of learning. We plan a lively and stimulating curriculum, rich in opportunities and experiences, to inspire our children to become lifelong learners. We encourage children’s enthusiasm for learning through high quality teaching in an environment where their achievements are celebrated and their ideas are valued.

Curriculum Intent

Leaders are highly ambitious for all pupils and plan a curriculum that helps them to develop their skills and knowledge of each subject area in a coherently sequenced and structured way. We teach the full National Curriculum content plus RE, PSHE and RSE to ensure all children develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding of the world and have a clear understanding of British Values.

To ensure learning moves into the long-term memory, we make links within the year, from year to year and across subjects so that children understand the context of their learning. The curriculum reflects the school’s local context by addressing typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills whilst remaining as broad as possible for as long as possible.

Curriculum Implementation

School leaders recognise that successful implementation of the curriculum relies upon Quality First Teaching. Therefore at Nursteed the curriculum is:

  • Designed and delivered in a way that allows pupils to transfer key knowledge to long-term memory.
  • Sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and pupils can work towards clearly defined end points.
  • Taught to ensure pupils understand key concepts with information being clearly presented and appropriate dialogue encouraged to develop understanding.
  • Taught in ways to develop pupil fluency in key areas with opportunities to apply their learning in meaningful ways.

Curriculum Impact

The evaluation of curriculum impact is primarily focused upon what pupils have learned. Therefore, at Nursteed, teachers assess children’s learning against key knowledge at regular intervals. Leaders then review assessment data and other outcomes from learning and give feedback to teachers to ensure that all pupils, including those disadvantaged and pupils with SEND, acquire the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

Curriculum Documents

You can learn more about what we teach by following the links below. For each subject you should see a 'Knowledge' overview and a 'Skills overview' setting out the key knowledge and skills that will be taught in each year group.