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Useful Information

This page gives information about many practical aspects of school life.

There are some useful links contained within it.

Times of the School Day

The school day begins at 8.45am. This is the time the register will be taken. Children arriving after this time will be marked as late. The external gates will be open from 8.35 and the class doors will be open at 8.40am. 

Children have a 15 minute mid-morning break and they have an hour at lunchtime.

School ends at 3:15pm. (Children in the Reception class come out about 3:10.) 

The school is open from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.00pm. 

Working Together

We welcome parents and carers as essential partners in the effective education of children. We hope parents, carers, grandparents and others will take the opportunity to become fully involved in, and supportive of, the school’s activities.
You can help by:

  • Talking often to your child; listening to his/her point of view and answering questions
  • Reading regularly to your child, encouraging him/her to read to you and talking about the book
  • Attending school productions, sports days, and other events
  • Telling your child how proud you are of his/her efforts
  • Encouraging him/her to enter into all aspects of school life, within and beyond the school day.

But, above all, allowing your child to enjoy being a child!

Keeping You Informed

Communication between home and school is vital and we use a variety of methods to keep you up to date. 


A newsletter is published weekly. This keeps you in touch with events in and around the school. The newsletter is normally distributed electronically, though we'll gladly send a printed copy if asked to. The newsletter is also available on the school website.

Class Dojo

You can communicate directly with your child's class teacher via Dojo. You will need to sign up and then look out for messages and reminders.

Informal Contact

Teachers make themselves available for a brief chat at the door or for a longer conversation if you make an appointment, typically at the end of the school day. Early in the morning is not ideal as teachers are usually busy preparing for the day's teaching (though a brief word is often possible). If you need time to discuss an issue at greater length we'll gladly make an appointment at a convenient time.

Parents’ Meetings

Parents’ consultation evenings are held twice a year. These provide an opportunity for parents and carers to meet their child’s teacher and to discuss work and progress. These evenings are very important and we hope all parents will take advantage of them every time.

Annual reports

In the summer term each child's progress is summarised in an annual report. These record what children have achieved in the various subjects they have been taught, and what they've achieved in the wider life of the school. You are welcome to make an appointment to discuss your child's report if you would like to.

Other messages

Messages about specific activities are sent electronically via Parentmail. Printed copies are always available from the school office. There’s also a notice board to let you know about local events. You’ll need to subscribe to Parentmail to receive messages electronically. This is a secure service which allows us to email information or send texts. Details of how to register are available on the school website from the ‘Contact Us’ tab. 

School Website

Look here to check term dates and other details of school life.

If you'd like printed copies of anything that's published on the school website please ask.


If you or your child is concerned about anything at school please come in to see us. Teachers are happy to see you after school, or before 8:40 am to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet. If you need to see the head teacher please call in or 'phone the school office to arrange a convenient time. She’s also usually available at the front of the school at the beginning of each day.

Helping in School

We really value the voluntary efforts of parents, carers and friends who help in school. Our needs are varied, from helping with reading, computers, football or art and crafts to mending books and going on visits. Your involvement will be very welcome. Please do not hesitate to offer your services. (We will require you to complete a DBS check and you will need to provide references). See Policies and Procedures for the policy and further information.

Friends of the School

The Friends of Nursteed School (FoNS) exists to promote co-operation between home and school. Please do give your association your full support. Every parent is automatically a member. 

Health & Safety

Medical conditions

If your child has a straightforward medical condition please let us know so that the appropriate members of staff can be informed. If your child has long-term or serious special medical needs we will draw up an individual health care plan with you (in partnership with the school nursing service, if appropriate).

We need to know of all allergies.

Please do not send your child to school if he/she is unwell. If your child suffers a bout of diarrhoea or vomiting please do not send him/her back to school until 48 hours after his/her last symptoms. This is to minimise the spread of infection.

Accidents at School

We must know how to contact you in the event of an accident. Please ensure the contact information we hold is always up to date. If you change your 'phone number you must tell us without delay.

Many members of staff are trained first-aiders and can deal with minor incidents. In non-urgent cases we will keep the affected child at school. If necessary, we will contact a parent/carer and ask that the child be collected.

In emergencies medical assistance will be sought without delay. We will make every effort to contact named adults immediately. If contact proves impossible then the school will act on behalf of the parent.

Medical Examinations

Occasional medical checks (e.g. sight and hearing) are carried out in school by the school nursing service or other health professionals. You will always be informed that these checks are going to happen.

Medicines in School

If a child needs to take medicine at school we prefer a parent to administer it. Teachers are not required to administer medicines of any sort.

However, if your child is fit enough to be in school, needs prescribed medication, and you’re unable to administer it, we will usually do so on your instruction. You must complete a form giving consent and full details (available from the school office). Please do not just send in medicine expecting school staff to administer it.

All prescribed medicine must be named and handed in at the school office where it will be kept securely.

Children needing inhalers are usually expected to be able to use them by themselves. Staff store inhalers in a safe place in the classroom. You will need to complete a form if your child has an inhaler in school.

Administration of Prescribed Medicine

Cars & safety

We encourage everyone to walk or cycle to and from school. There is an underpass leading onto the school site which means there is no need for anyone to cross the road outside the school.

The school site is closed to parents’ cars at both the beginning and the end of the school day. If you choose to drive, please park carefully near the school, always mindful of the presence of many pedestrians, and the impact on local residents. Please park considerately, and never block the entrance to the school or access to the lane beyond the school.

No Smoking/Vaping

Smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere on the school site at any time. This includes e-cigarettes.

Absence from School

All pupil absence must be explained.

If your child is absent and you have not told us why we will attempt to contact you to ensure that he/she is safe. It helps us a great deal, therefore, if you contact us early in the day so we are fully informed.

You should avoid taking holidays in term time. The head teacher can authorise absence for this purpose only in exceptional circumstances.

If your child’s rate of attendance is low we will contact you to alert you to the fact so we can improve the situation. (Persistent absence, for any reason, can result in a fixed penalty notice being imposed by the Educational Welfare Service.)

Leave of Absence (holidays during term-time)

Mid-Morning Break

Free milk is available for children under 5. Please ask if you would like milk provided for your child, whatever his/her age. A portion of fruit is provided free for children in Key Stage 1.

If you choose to provide a snack from home please limit this to healthy options such as a cereal bar. No chocolate, sweets or crisps please.

Charging & Remissions Policy

We recognise the valuable contribution that activities out of school make towards each pupil's education. We provide a range of such activities (including educational and residential visits).

The school's 'Charging and Remissions Policy' enables all pupils to take part. Voluntary contributions are requested to cover the cost of some materials and for educational visits.

A copy of the 'Charging and Remissions' policy is available from the school office, and below.

School Uniform

Children should look smart at school. The school uniform is:

  • Burgundy school sweatshirt or cardigan (usually with school logo)
  • White polo shirt
  • Grey trousers, shorts, or skirts, pinafore
  • White or grey socks
  • Pink/white or red/white checked dress
  • Sensible black shoes (no high heels please).

School uniform and book bags may be purchased from local suppliers.  These include:

Please label uniform clearly with your child's name.

‘Nearly New’  items are always available. Ask in the school office if interested.

P.E. Kit

Children change into sports kit for P.E. lessons. They change in their own classroom under the supervision of their teacher. P.E. kit should be named and kept in a labelled bag. Please wash it regularly. T-shirts in house colours or white with the school logo are available locally.

Indoor Kit

  • T-shirt (house colour, or white)
  •  Black shorts

Outdoor Kit

  • T-shirt  (house colour or white)
  • Black shorts
  • A track-suit or similar may be worn in colder weather.


Plimsolls or training shoes, according to the activity and weather. Ordinary shoes are not appropriate.

Lost Property

A lost property box is kept in cloakrooms and in the school hall. Every effort is made to return items to their owners. Please name all items of clothing. We retain items for one term, after which we dispose of them.

Transfer to Secondary School

Children leave Nursteed Community Primary School at the end of Year 6 (when they are 11 years old). During their final year they are involved in a carefully planned liaison programme with the local secondary school of their choice. Many children transfer to Devizes School.


We hope that you will not need to complain. If it is necessary then we ask that you visit the school to discuss your concern in the hope that we will be able to resolve it quickly. If, for any reason, you remain dissatisfied you would follow the school’s 'Complaints Procedure


Dogs are not allowed anywhere on the school premises with the exception of guide/assistance dogs.

Education Welfare Officer

Officers of the Education Welfare Service are responsible for school attendance and other welfare issues. Parents may seek advice directly. Ask in the school office if you’d like contact details.

School Clubs

Clubs, run by teachers and other trusted adults, add important learning opportunities to those provided during the school day. Most older children take part in one or more clubs each week. Some are after school and some take place during the lunch hour.

Details of clubs are distributed near the beginning of each school term. Typically these include sports (football, netball and others), crafts (e.g. pottery) and others (e.g. gardening, computing).