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 ‘A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.’ – National Curriculum 2014


Music is led by Amy Pretlove

We tell the children that Music lessons we learn about the elements that build music, how to sing, play, compose, improvise, rehearse and perform.


Music Intent

Our aim is to give every child the chance to enjoy, pursue and progress in music. The music curriculum from Early Years to Year 6 gives children the chance to acquire the musical skills through weekly lessons. Each year the children build upon their knowledge and understanding of the musical elements. Children learn about a range of musical genres and composers through periods of time in history to the modern day. Lessons include the use of a variety of tuned and untuned instruments.


Music Implementation

Music is taught using Charanga, a scheme of work, which delivers all aspects of the National Curriculum for Music. It is planned in a ‘spiral curriculum’, within which children revisit existing knowledge and skills in each unit, building on them and extending them incrementally.  In this manner, learning is consolidated and augmented, allowing for increasing musical confidence, while constantly being gently challenged to go further.



Peripatetic Music Lessons

From Year 1 children are offered peripatetic lessons in drumming and guitar. These lessons offer children the chance to learn for fun, or challenge themselves with musical examinations.


Live Music

At Nursteed we endeavour to give children the experience of live music. In the Autumn term of 2018-2019 we were very fortunate to have a performance and workshop with opera singer Carly Paoli, and in the Autumn term of 2019-2020 we are excited to be hosting a visit from the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.


Music Impact

Through this curriculum coverage, children leave us in Year 6 as competent and confident performers, and composers, of music, with an understanding of how music works, is created, and recorded. They will have developed skills to express themselves and be creative in the way they use a variety of tuned and untuned instruments, creating and performing music.

British Values: Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance


Music  supports children to build their understanding of British Values by

In our music lessons at Nursteed, children learn about the need to establish a clear set of rules when listening, performing and composing: working together as a team, taking turns with the instruments, listening when someone is playing and deciding on whose ideas are going to be used in a composition.

Children are encouraged to make choices about the music they like to listen to or choose to perform and are respected for their individual preferences.

Children are encouraged to appreciate the fact that music from all cultures and traditions around the world develops and contributes positively to British music.


SMSC in Music

  • Children use their imagination and creativity when responding to music.
  • Children listen to the music of other children, traditions and faiths respectfully, making sensitive comments.
  • Children enjoy learning about a range of music from a range of worldwide sources.
  • Children demonstrate a willingness to reflect on their own musical experiences and those of others.
  • Children make sensitive constructive comments about their own, and others performances.
  • Children offer respectful views when talking about music from other cultures, faiths and traditions, and appreciate the view points of others.
  • Children have opportunities to participate in musical performances with local cluster schools, the wider community and beyond.
  • Children use a range of social skills when performing and rehearsing with others from different social, ethnic, cultural and faith backgrounds.
  • Children perform and rehearse together with children from different cultural, social, or faith backgrounds demonstrating tolerance, and demonstrate skills and attributes which allow them to contribute fully and positively.
  • Children understand and appreciate a wide range of cultural influences in music, both in music from local cultures and those from the wider world.