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Art and Design

Art is led by Miss James.

At Nursteed our aim is to give every child the opportunity to express themselves through art. We expose them to a range of artists from around the world and close to home, from past and present, and from a range of cultures. We teach them the skills to allow them to explore their own art ideas and take every opportunity to share work in public areas.

Our art curriculum encourages children to be curious, observant, creative and reflective. 

We provide opportunities for the children to:

  1. EXPERIENCE a range of stimuli and also the work of others - from a range of cultures, times and gender and a range of styles and media. We teach them to be curious about the work, asking questions, wondering and discovering.
  2. RESEARCH for themselves - finding more examples of artists' work, collect images linked to the original stimulus, find out more...
  3. BUILD SKILLS often linked to the stimuli at the time. This will be in a range of media and is built upon in each year group.
  4. CREATE work linked to the experience, research and skills-building activities already undertaken.
  5. REFLECT ON AND REFINE work - often sharing work within a class 'gallery' to discuss what they find interesting about each others' work and to give them chance to think critically about what they have achieved through the process.

This process is usually recorded in sketchbooks, with children having opportunities to practise and improve their skills and techniques. Ideas are explored in drawing, painting, mixed media, 3D/sculpture, printmaking and textiles.  As the children get older they become more familiar with iconic artists and designers, understanding the historical and cultural development of their art forms.  They explore different Art movements and are encouraged to express themselves creatively, developing their own style.

Children also have opportunities to enter local competitions so their work is seen by a wider audience. Work is also routinely celebrated through display in school and in class record books.

Spiritual, Moral, Cultural, Social in Art


Children use their imagination and creativity when responding to Art.

Children wonder about the world around them and enjoy rich opportunities to explore the natural world and to observe natural phenomena

Children can enjoy and celebrate their own creativity and that of their peers

Children can explore different artists’ interpretations of events and key figures

Children demonstrate a willingness to reflect on their own creations and to evalulate them

Children explore how emotions and feelings are expressed through painting, sculpture and architecture


Children make sensitive constructive comments about their own, and others’ ideas.

Children offer respectful views when talking about their interpretations of iconic pieces of Art


Children use a range of social skills when discussing with others from different social, ethnic, cultural and faith backgrounds.

Children have opportunities to participate in celebrations of Art within the school, the wider community and beyond.

Children work together with children from different cultural, social, or faith backgrounds demonstrating tolerance, and demonstrate skills and attributes which allow them to contribute fully and positively.

Children explore Art as a powerful social tool e.g. in advertising how particular groups are represented e.g. LGBT, women


Children understand and appreciate a wide range of cultural influences and media in Art, both locally and those from the wider world.