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Special Educational Needs

Children with special educational needs and disabilities are welcome at Nursteed Primary School and do well here.

This page explains how we provide appropriate support. There are links to information provided nationally and by Wiltshire CouncilWhat we do is a part of a much larger service provided within Wiltshire. This is described in detail by the County’s ‘Local Offer’ (link below).

What are special educational needs?

A child has special educational needs if he/she experiences greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age and if that difficulty calls for special provision. Difficulties like:

  • Physical impairment
  • Specific learning difficulties of various kinds, e.g. dyslexia
  • Behavioural or social difficulties.

Should I worry if my child has special needs?

Most children with special educational needs learn well in mainstream schools, such as ours. If you have a child who is finding learning difficult you shouldn't be unduly concerned. We'll adapt our teaching to suit your child's needs and, if appropriate, we'll draw on expert help. It helps everyone - not least your child - if we at school work in partnership with you at home. We'll keep you informed and offer guidance as to how, together, we can support your child's learning.

How do we identify children with special educational needs?

Before starting school a child may have already been identified with a special educational need or disability.  If so, we work closely with parents and any agencies already involved to ensure a smooth transition into school. We review and continue any existing support plan so that good progress is made by that child.

Teachers make regular assessments of children’s attainment and progress, mindful of national age-related expectations. All school adults monitor children’s emotional well-being and behaviour. Also we listen to views and concerns expressed by parents and carers. Where any of these things suggest a child may need extra support, we consider if he/she may have a special educational need or a disability.

If we think a child may have a special educational need we discuss this with parents or carers. We assess the specific issue that is preventing the child from learning to his/her full potential. Parents are kept informed and included in the decision making process, and we involve the child throughout (in an age-appropriate way).

Levels of Support

School SEND Concern

The class teacher will complete a ‘School SEND Concern’ form and share this with the SENCO. A meeting will then be arranged with yourself, the class teacher and the SENCO to identify the best way forward. Following the meeting, the SENCO will conduct initial assessments to inform the nature and level of support required by the child. Short –term interventions may be recommended. The SENCO will identify if the child has significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age, or has a disability, which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities. If they do, then we will start a Support Plan for them. If they do not we will suggest additional strategies or support that can be put in place in the classroom as part of Quality First Teaching, or at home by parents or carers to ensure the child continues to make good progress.

SEND Support Plan

If short-term intervention does not address the issues raised and greater needs are identified, the child will be placed on the Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Register. All children on the SEND register will have an SEND Support Plan, which details the support a child will receive and the targets that have been set for them.

My Support Plan

In some cases, additional and more specialist support will be sought through a referral to an outside agency. In this instance, children may be moved on to a more detailed My Support Plan which includes the views and recommendations of outside agencies and professionals.


In some cases, despite implementing professional advice and implementing a wide range of strategies, a child’s needs may not be met through a My Support Plan. In this instance, the school or parent may apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan to receive additional funding and support. To meet the requirements for an EHCP, a My Support Plan must have been in place for a year and the child will already be in receipt of a frequent and high level of adult support to meet their needs.

The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo)

Mrs Amy Pretlove has responsibility for leading provision for children with special educational needs and disability. She can be contacted in school in the usual ways (see 'Contact Us').

Involving parents

Where we have an initial concern it's likely that your child’s class teacher (or Mrs Pretlove) will approach you to arrange to discuss the issue and consider what to do next. If outside agencies become involved in supporting your child you’ll be invited to attend a meeting three times a year to discuss what's put in place. If your child has an 'Education and Healthcare Plan' there is an additional formal annual review. In all likelihood there will be more frequent informal contact so that you are fully in the picture about what’s being done to help your child. We’ll always gladly meet with you at your request.

Involving children

Class teachers talk with children who have individual outcomes planned for them, to review how they are progressing. Children are also part of review meetings and are asked to give their views, either on paper (a teaching assistant or teacher might work with a child to complete any written evidence) and/or in person at the review meeting.

Moving between year groups and moving from primary school to secondary school

Near the end of each school year, class teachers meet to share information to help make transition from one year group into the next as smooth as possible. Children also have some time with their new class teacher. Any specific needs are identified and planned for. For a child with an 'Education and Healthcare Plan' a formal transition meeting is held during Year 5 in order to look forward to the move to secondary education, and to find the best possible setting for the next phase in his/her education.

For Year 6 children, the class teacher and SENCo meet with teachers/ heads of year plus SENCo’s from receiving secondary schools and a plan for transition is made. Often the children themselves meet these adults. Some children may be offered additional, supervised visits to their new school to smooth the transition.

Teaching children with special educational needs or a disability

We expect that all children will strive to reach their potential. For some children, including those with special educational needs or a disability, this may require that:

  • Teachers adapt plans, to create individualised learning outcomes
  • Children are withdrawn from class for individual teaching
  • Extra adult support is provided in class to allow children to access the curriculum fully
  • External agencies are consulted so teachers receive the best advice on specific teaching strategies
  • Premises are adapted, e.g. amplified sound for children with hearing difficulties, or reorganised seating arrangements
  • Specialist furniture or resources are provided, e.g. specialist IT equipment, or enlarged text.

We endeavour always to involve parents and children themselves so that children have the best possible school experience.


Teachers and teaching assistants receive training about a wide variety of needs. Training to meet identified needs is provided annually, for individual members of staff or for the whole teaching team. The school is well supported by outside agencies when necessary.

Evaluating effectiveness of provision

Class teachers and other school adults meet regularly to review progress against planned outcomes.

Performance data for all children is analysed regularly. Part of this analysis focusses specifically on the performance of children with special educational needs so that any shortcomings are identified and addressed by modifying provision.

The SENCo also monitors planning and other evidence to ensure that children with special educational needs or a disability are receiving a full and inclusive entitlement.

Special educational needs and disability provision and policy is formally reviewed annually to ensure that it remains fit for purpose.

Supporting social, emotional, and mental health development

Consistent use of the school’s ‘Behaviour Policy’ helps children behave well, so that they can concentrate fully on learning. What we expect is made explicit: rewards and sanctions reinforce this. We have a trained teaching assistant (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, or ELSA) who provides support for individual children who need guidance in developing social skills.

Additional services

Where there is an identified need and a multi-agency approach is required, we invite families to participate in the Early Support Assessment (ESA) process. This means we can work with parents and request support from other relevant agencies, such as Social Care, Speech and Language advice, Educational Psychology, Behaviour Support, the School Nursing Service.

What happens if parents and carers are not happy with our provision?

In the first instance we ask that parents/carers raise their concerns in conversation with the class teacher, our SENCo or the head teacher. It may be a straightforward matter to understand concerns and put things right. If this fails to resolve an issue we have a clear complaints procedure to follow (available to download from this website).

Able Learners

We identify the abilities and aptitudes of all our pupils, including those who have particular talents. In the classroom, all teachers recognise that there is a variation in the attainment of their pupils and know that it is inappropriate to try to teach all children the same topic at the same rate. Activities are differentiated and extension activities are provided for those who benefit from them.
When necessary we are able to liaise with specialists to organise special programmes of work.

Code of Practice

Provision is in line with the national Code of Practice (link below).