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Data Protection

Your Data

The school has a clear 'Data Protection Policy', plus a 'Privacy Notice' about our use of pupil information.

These tell you clearly:

  • Your rights in relation to the information we hold
  • How we keep personal information safe
  • The types of information we collect, and how we use it
  • The legal grounds for using your information.

You can find these documents on our Policies and Procedures page.


Photos fall under data protection law. School activities are sometimes photographed for use in school, on our website, or in the press. We need permission to include your child. We ask you to provide or withhold permission on the school’s admission form. You may withdraw your consent at any time. This must be done in writing.

We invite you to consent to include your child in photographs to promote or publicise school activities, or be stored in the school’s archive. These photographs may be used by the local or national media.

Images used on the school’s website are never accompanied by children’s names. Therefore it is impossible for a child to be known by name because his/her image is published there.

Please note that certain images (for example group photographs taken some time ago and retained in the school’s archive) cannot always be deleted immediately. The usual retention period is 2 years from the date that your child leaves primary school.

The school is only responsible for photographs taken by the school or an authorized agent of the school and cannot be responsible for photographs taken by other third parties (such as parents). The media are not subject to the Data Protection Act or these guidelines and the school cannot prohibit the media from taking pictures or using children’s names. (In practice school activities take place mostly on the school site which means the press is likely to be present only with our permission.)

We expect that photos taken by parents are not published on social media sites if they contain children other than their own. (We remind people of this expectation at school events.)

Contact Information

Parents provide contact details for us to use in case of an emergency. These may include details of grandparents, other family members, friends or trusted neighbours. We expect parents to inform the people whose details they provide, and inform them of our data protection arrangements: they must know that we retain their contact information for as long as the relevant child attends Nursteed School, unless they request that it is removed earlier.

Promoting Events

We are sometimes asked to promote services and events of possible interest to children and their families. This is not part of the core function of the school so strictly speaking we need your permission to do it. On our admission form we ask that parents give consent for us to provide them with details of selected community events (and the like). We think it’s a good idea to let everyone know what’s going on in the local community, and we think parents are happy to hear about events in this way. We promise not to bombard you with leaflets and emails.