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Online Safety

At School

Online access is safe because:

  • We have filters that block inappropriate content
  • Online activity is supervised
  • We teach children about ways to stay safe online.

If you ever have any concerns about an aspect of the use of communications technologies in school please speak to us.

See below for a note to parents called 'Using Technology Safely' which contains our 'Acceptable Use Agreement' that children stick to in school. There's a link to our detailed online safety policy as well.

At Home

The challenge to keep children safe online is just as great at home.

Below are resources that might be of interest. You don't need to read them all. Just one of them might be all you need.

Social Networking

We ask parents to use social networking responsibly.

We have a policy in case the reputation of the school, or members of the school, is harmed by inappropriate use.