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Safeguarding & Child Protection

Safeguarding & Child Protection

Our first priority is that all children are safe. Our 'Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy' (below) ensures that this is so. If you require copies of any of these policies you may request these from the school office. 

Who to talk to

If you have a child protection concern you should talk to Mrs. Vousden, our Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), or if she is not available, Mrs Pretlove our Deputy Headteacher, DDSL and SENCO, or Miss Webb our Deputy Headteacher and DDSL.  If your concern is regarding the headteacher you can speak to the school's Chair of Governors (contact via the school office). Any concerns raised by adults will be reviewed by the DSL with any actions noted and will be stored securely until a child leaves the school. At this time any ongoing concerns will be passed to the next school. 

If you do not feel able to speak to a member of staff, you could make a referral directly to The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubb on 0300 456 0108.

Online Safety

We've a separate page with information about staying safe online.

Roles and Responsibilities

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Kay Vousden (Headteacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Amy Pretlove (Deputy Headteacher and SENCO)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Carla Webb (Deputy Headteacher and Year 6 teacher)

Nominated Governor for Child Protection

Mr Andrew Geddes (Chair of Governors)

Designated Teacher For Looked After Children

Mrs Kay Vousden (Headteacher)

Senior Mental Health Lead

Mrs Amy Pretlove (SENCO and DDSL)

Policies & Practices

Below is the Department for Education's 'Keeping children safe in education'  document which was updated for September 2024. This document informs all policies and procedures to keep children safe. You will also find the school's policy for Safeguarding and Child Protection and other key policies. We are currently consulting on our updated draft policies for the 2024/25 academic year, It is expected that these policies will be ratified by the Governors at their meeting on 16.10.24. If you have any comments on these policies, please email the admin office at before this date so that your comments can be considered. 

Domestic Violence

Nursteed School is part of a project called Encompass, run jointly by schools and Wiltshire Police.

If a child is affected by an incident of domestic abuse we will be notified by the next school day. The head teacher will be informed in confidence so that she can consider making provision for any possible difficulties.